In March 2023, Save Vietnam’s Wildlife partnered with Pu Mat National Park to survey landscape and thematic tourism routes around the Kem waterfall area. The aim was to diversify tourist products and serve the diverse needs of tourists. To attract tourists to Pu Mat National Park, thereby generating income from tourism activities for the Park to reinvest in conservation work. At the same time, this will also create a more stable livelihood for people living around the Park buffer zone, thereby reducing negative pressure on natural resources.

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The survey team. Photo ©SVW.

Thematic tourism routes in Kem waterfall area and headquater of Pu Mat National Park

Ca Ne ravine, located in the Kem waterfall area of Pu Mat National Park, is an interesting and little-known landscape tourist destination. This ravine is nestled in the middle of the old Pu Mat forest, along a small stream, and features countless large and small rocks with different shapes that can lift tourists’ steps. The ravine’s cool, clear water can be as mirror, and visitors can leave barefoot and feel the unexpected magic of nature. Ancient trees, vines, and shrubs intertwine with layers to protect the ravine and visitors who are curious. The journey through this natural masterpiece ends at a mysterious heaven gate that marks the end of the tour to discover Ca Ne ravine, leaving many impressions and curiosity about this wonderful place.

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Ca Ne revine. Photo ©SVW.

If you are a lover of the animal world, this will surely be a paradise for you. According to the old ranger, in the fruit season (April and August of the lunar calendar), many animals gather around Kem waterfall. It could be flying squirrels, monkeys, birds…

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Ca Ne ravine in the Kem waterfall area is home of many reptiles, amphibians… Photo ©SVW.

In the administrative area of Pu Mat National Park, we have recorded the presence of dozens of different bird species. And you? With just a pair of binoculars and some time to wander around the park, you can also have the opportunity to see the different shapes and colors of these birds, as well as enjoy the music festival they are performing together as a gift for you.

The story of the lonely elephant in Pu Mat

During the survey, the team also encountered a wild elephant who has been living alone in the area for over 20 years. The mother of the elephant was poached, leaving the calf all alone. Despite other herds of elephants scattered throughout Pu Mat National Park, with a population of around 13-14 individuals, this elephant still feels very lonely. It has even been known to play with a buffalo for a few days just to have some company. Despite its loneliness, this elephant has never attacked humans.

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Forest elephant and domestic dog. Photo ©SVW – Pham Van Thong

The pristine nature of Pu Mat National Park is the perfect habitat for elephants. With streams and sandbanks for the elephants to bathe and play in, lush grasses, and open land for grazing, this is truly an elephant’s full house. The only downside is the lack of banana trees around the ranger station. Moreover, the Kem waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls around, and visitors might even get to encounter this lonely elephant on the way there.

SVW recognizes that with the impressive results of the natural resource survey, such as the landscape and the diversity of wildlife, this is the basis for Pu Mat National Park to create attractive scenic tourism routes and thematic attactions in the park, especially in the Kem waterfall area. This contributes to diversifying tourism products to attract visitors, thereby achieving the set goals soon.