Leading the change of law for wildlife recovery
As a Vietnamese NGO with Vietnamese leadership, SVW has received the trust of the Vietnamese government in which SVW was often invited to provide recommendations based on the data and evidence from our work on the ground, at the last meeting or last version of the policies currently being reviewed.
Save Vietnam’s Wildlife has had a great period of success in our advocacy program to increase the protection of species and change Vietnamese wildlife law.
Our staff presented over 20 national or technical workshops to review wildlife laws or government decrees.
We led efforts to build up the profiles for all small carnivores and pangolins in Vietnam and contributed to pangolin conservation internationally in supporting the upgrading of species conservation status internationally. SVW also led or joined several campaigns calling to increase punishment for illegal poaching and trading.


Contributing to a lobbying process to help transfer all eight pangolin species from Appendix II to Appendix I of CITES.

In 2014 SVW succeeded in working with the Vietnamese government to remove pangolin scales from the list of items covered by health insurance.

SVW has led on the development of profiles, carnivore and pangolin databases and provided recommendations to improve the species conservation and management in Vietnam. include: the Decrees 160/2013/NĐ-CP; Decree 64/2019/NĐ-CP; Decree 06/NĐCP/2019; Circular 90/2019/TT-BNN.

Joined with other NGOs to call for actions responded to COVID-19, in which the Prime Minister has issued the Prime Minister Directive 29/TTg-2020.

SVW led a campaign to make the possession of snare traps or hunting dogs to be punishable by financial fines, which regulated in Decree 35/2019/NĐ-CP, and to increase the punishment for wildlife poaching, trading and transporting illegally in the Penal Code.

The transfer of Owston’s Civet, Spotted Linsang and Large Spotted Civet into Decree 64/2019/ND-CP and adjusting species list of Decree 160/2013/ND-CP, giving it the highest protection level in Vietnam
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