We could not do what we do without the help of our supporters.
The money you raise goes directly to conservation works on the ground in Vietnam.
There are lots of ways to raise funds FOR us:

You can run your campaigns to seek the support of the community or motivate their love with nature and wild animals. All the money donated from the campaign will be used for activities of taking care and rescue wild animals.
Some enterprises have run meaningful campaigns for us:
- Xuan Mai Cooperation and Fresh House – Campaign: “Chiến dịch vẽ giấc mơ xanh – Share your green dreams”
- Bo Sua by BOO – Campaign: “Sharing 10000 VND each time refusing the plastic bag at their shops – Quyên góp 10 nghìn đồng cho mỗi lần từ chối túi nylon tại của hàng của BOO”

There are many types of events that you could organize as either an individual or perhaps on behalf of your company like bike rides or wildlife walks, or even a winner of a Karaoke night?
If you are still at school, some great fundraising events included bake sales, read-a-thons, walkathons, swim-a-thons, car washes, non-school uniform-days, poetry and poster competitions and donate-a-dollar days may be great ideals.
Some org. or individuals hold successful events for us:
- Young Consevationist Club – Event link
- Green Up and Nguyễn Nguyệt Linh – Event link
- Anindita and Ashish Sharma
- CONCORDIA International school – School event
- Hippo Pools Trust
- Kelly and Andrew Innzkelly Diane Hanson
- Trần Phương Mai – Birthday event
- Nguyễn Bình Nguyên – Birthday event
- Nguyễn Văn Nhuận
- Suzi Esterhas
- Đặng Thị Phương Thảo (Claudia) – Birthday event
If you want to become involved in fundraising, fill out this form.
We will send your our fundraising pack to help you with your marketing and some tips on how to successfully fundraise for us.
Our Digital Fundraising Pack Includes:
- Handy hints on fundraising
- Information about our organisation
- Our Logo and Graphic Files
- Pangolin Factsheets
- Digital photos that you can use to make posters and postcards
For any more information, please contact: