Recently, SVW, in collaboration with Cat Tien National Park, has made efforts to successfully conduct 11 commune-level conferences to raise people’s awareness about forest protection and wildlife conservation in communes in the buffer zone of Cat Tien National Park.
In order to encourage people living in the buffer zone to actively participate in forest protection, commit to protecting wildlife, and stop using illegal wildlife in Vietnam, Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) coordinated with Cat Tien National Park to organize “Raising awareness conference to strengthen law enforcement in forest protection, fire prevention and fighting and in wildlife at Cat Tien National Park”.
During 03 weeks, the Organizing Committee conducted 11 conferences in communes in the buffer zone of Cat Tien National Park, spreading across 3 provinces Dong Nai, Lam Dong, and Binh Phuoc. Specifically, 04 conferences in Dong Nai province included Nam Cat Tien, Ta Lai, Dak Lua and Thanh Son communes; 06 conferences in Lam Dong province: Dong Nai Thuong, Tien Hoang, Gia Vien, Phuoc Cat 2, Da Kho and Loc Bac communes and 01 commune-level conference in Dang Ha of Binh Phuoc province. These events had 1,215 attendees, including 256 leaders and officials of the state units; 959 community members, who are local people, owners of restaurant businesses in the area and people who have impacts on forest resources; 1 leader and 2 staff of Cat Tien National Park, 1 coordinator and 10 SVW staff.
The conference presented 03 contents: (1) Introduction of Cat Tien National Park and Biodiversity; (2) Efforts to protect forests; (3) Why do we need to join hands to protect wildlife? Besides, the entire conference discussed solutions to strengthen law enforcement in protecting wildlife. People actively contributed ideas and expressed views to discuss forest patrol and protection work; Roles of relevant parties and Shared thoughts and expectation on promoting local livelihood development.
After the conference, 72% of people participated in the survey, the rest did not join because they were too old, could not either read or write, some left early. Results showed that nearly 96% of workshop participants acknowledged the importance of Cat Tien National Park, demonstrated their understanding of the law and achieved a correct response rate of over 84%. 99% of participants pledged not to illegally use wildlife and 95% agreed to report any violations they discovered at Cat Tien National Park.
At the end of the conferences, people expressed a positive attitude and a desire to organize activities like these which are aimed at raising awareness of people in the region,about the harmony among human beings, nature and wildlife.