From August 2023 to the present, Save Vietnam’s Wildlife has collaborated with Pu Mat National Park, the Anh Son Department of Education and Training, the Con Cuong Department of Education and Training, and the Tuong Duong Department of Education and Training to implement many activities within the framework of the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Education Program of Pu Mat National Park for the 2023 – 2025 period.

On September 22, 2023, the kick-off workshop for the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Education Program of Pu Mat National Park for the 2023 – 2025 period was successfully held with the participation of 55 delegates, marking an important milestone for the Program. The workshop included representatives from the Save Vietnam’s Wildlife Center, Pu Mat National Park, the Department of Education and Training (DET) of Con Cuong district, the DET of Anh Son district, the DET of Tuong Duong district, and the school principals and teachers in charge of the program from 16 schools.

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Representatives of the various parties officially launched the Education Programc 

From August to September 25, 2023, Component 1 – Survey of school infrastructure and teaching activities was implemented in order to understand the school’s physical infrastructure, teaching equipment, and the schools’ aspirations to develop appropriate educational activities.

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Survey of school infrastructure

On October 19, 2023, the launch event and training for the Pu Mat forest protection Core Group was successfully held. The core group consisted of: 2 forest rangers, 16 teachers, 4 members of the Forest Protection Group, and 2 members of the Community Engagement Group from Save Vietnam’s Wildlife. During the training, the members elected the group leader and deputy, and established operating rules; additionally, the members were trained in skills such as project proposal development and project management.

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The members of the Pu Mat forest protection Core Group

On March 1 and 3, 2024, the “Join me to protect Pu Mat forest” Club was launched with 80 club members and 24 core members from 16 schools. The members were inspired and trained on skills and knowledge through games such as “Web of Life” and “Threats to Elephants.” The club members also worked together to develop slogans, club rules, and plans to implement activities at their schools, as well as visit the open-air natural and cultural museum. According to the survey results, 100% of students expressed enthusiasm for the training course and 99% committed to raising awareness and taking action to protect wildlife.

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Some activities during the training of the “Join me to protect Pu Mat forest” club

From October to March 2024: 20 successful conservation events were organised in 16 schools. The series of events attracted the participation of 7,417 students and teachers. Throughout the events, students were inspired and raised awareness about forest and wildlife protection through quiz games, knowledge sharing, film screenings, and sharing real-life stories. The event series was a success, with over 90% of students gaining a better understanding of Pu Mat National Park and identifying various wildlife species. 100% of students agreed to protect nature and wildlife in the presence of their teachers. After the events, 30 awareness-raising sign boards were installed in the schools.

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Student Participation in the “Proud Pu Mat” Conservation Event

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Students Voluntarily Signed Up for the “Join me to protect Pu Mat forest” Club

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Students Happily Interact with the Information Billboards Installed at School

After the training activities for the Club and the Core Group, the core force was equipped with skills and knowledge about conservation and empowered to carry out activities at the schools. Over the past 6 months, the core force has proposed and implemented 5 projects at the schools. These include:

(1) Education Project at Luc Da Primary School: Installed a set of 8 bilingual (English and Vietnamese) informational boards about nature and wildlife in the multi-purpose room.The poster boards included information about pangolins, otters, Asian elephants, Saola, Indochinese tigers, Khe Ke waterfall, and Sa mu oil tree, as well as actions to protect Pu Mat. Aimed to raise student awareness about the wildlife species, club members organized information sharing sessions and calls to protect wildlife during extracurricular classes and recess. The bilingual posters were also used to help students learn English. This project demonstrates the core group’s initiative in developing educational resources and activities to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of Pu Mat’s natural heritage and the need for its protection.

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Bilingual Information Sharing and English Learning Activities  

(2). Educational Project at Phuc Son Secondary School: Successfully implemented two activities: “Nature and Wildlife Wallpaper” from April 1 to April 25, and the “Writing Contest about Nature and Wildlife” from April 1 to May 10. The Wallpaper activity attracted 309 articles/poems from 13 participating classes. The Writing Contest, conducted online on Facebook, attracted 269 entries and reached approximately 20,000 likes, shares, and comments. On May 20, an exhibition of the wallpapers and an awards ceremony were held, coinciding with the celebration of International Biodiversity Day. The awards granted to contestants included 1 Pangolin Prize, 6 Saola Prizes, 12 Indochinese Tiger Prizes, 22 Asian Elephant Prizes, and 22 Binturong Prizes.

  Hình ảnh 3 Học sinh kiểm tra báo tường trước khi nộp thi

Hình ảnh 2 Báo tường cuộc thi tập thể cho 13 lớp thuộc khối 6 7

Scoring activity “Wallpaper about nature and wildlife” in the educational project at Phuc Son middle school

(3). The Educational Project at Yen Khe Secondary School: On May 8, 2024, the school successfully organised the Golden Bell Challenge with the participation of 375 students and teachers, including 80 contestants representing various classes. The core team members at the school coordinated and executed the event efficiently. Members of the club took on roles as hosts, supervisors, and photographers. Six outstanding students received awards, including 1 Saola prize, 2 Pangolin prizes, and 3 Asian Elephant prizes.

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Activities in the “Golden Bell Challenge” competition, part of the educational project at Yen Khe Secondary School

(4). The Educational Project at Yen Khe Primary School: On May 14, 2024, Yen Khe Primary School successfully organised the “Beauty of Young Pioneers” activity with the theme of protecting nature, wildlife, and the environment. Activities included a fashion show, drawing, and presenting paintings about nature and wildlife. The event attracted the participation of 261 students, 25 teachers, and many parents. Twenty awards were given to individuals and groups, including 2 Saola prizes, 3 Indochinese Tiger prizes, 3 Asian Elephant prizes, and 12 Binturong prizes.

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Drawing and presenting paintings on the theme of protecting nature and wildlife in the “Beauty of Young Pioneers” competition, part of the educational project at Yen Khe Primary School


(5). The Educational Project at Tra Lan Secondary School: From May 7 to May 18, 2024, five classes on public speaking skills were conducted under the theme “Speaking Up for All Species” taught by a foreign expert for 20 students. During the course, students practiced speaking skills, expression, body language, and elements that make a speech compelling and engaging. Following the course, a “Speaking Up for All Species” competition was held with 19 videos conveying messages in English/Vietnamese by the students. These inspirational videos demonstrated the effectiveness of the training. The promotional videos garnered 5,510 likes, comments, and shares; reaching 67,158 impressions on social media.

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Activities of the educational project at Tra Lan Secondary School

The Pu Mat National Park Nature and Wildlife Conservation Education Program for the period 2023 – 2025 promises to bring even more positive results in raising awareness and promoting actions to protect nature and wildlife.