Hanoi, June 10, 2024Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW), in collaboration with Cuc Phuong National Park, Cat Tien National Park and Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center has successfully released 11 Sunda Pangolins (scientific name: Manis Javanica) and 3 Asian Small-clawed Otters (scientific name: Aonyx Cinereus) back into the wild, along with 4 pig-tailed macaques, 2 crab-eating macaques and 1 brahminy kite.

1. Chuẩn bị dưa tê tê dến khu vực tái thả

(Prepared to take the pangolins to the release site)

SVW worked closely with authorities and Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center to rescue these animals from the illegal wildlifetrade, pet industry and voluntary handover of local residences. Among the rescued animals, SVW directly took care of 5 pangolins and 3 otters. After being brought to the rescue center, all animals underwent a 30-day quarantine period, continuous health monitoring, and rehabilitation until fully recovered.They were all trained in a semi-wild environment before being released to the wild. The semi-wild area provides a similar environment to the natural habitat of these species, allowing them to develop the necessary survival skills before returning to the wild.

5. Cá thể tê tê dược thả về tự nhiên

(The pangolin was released back to the wild safely)

Prior to each reintroduction, SVW’s research team conducts surveys to select suitable release sites for each species. In this particular release, a temporary soft-release enclosure was set up for the 3 otters. As otters are territorial animals, the temporary enclosure helps minimize conflicts between the released otters and the natural otter population in the area. Once the otters became acclimated to the new environment, they were released into the wild. Additionally, an early warning system was installed at access points to the temporary enclosure, sending alerts to local forest rangers within a 500-meter radius in case of any intrusion, enabling timely intervention.

6. Khu chuồng tái thả tạm thời cho rái cá

(The temporary soft-release enclosure of the otters)

7. Các cá thể rái cá làm quen với môi trường mới

(The otters are getting acquainted with the new environment)

9. Các cá thể rái cá tại khu chuồng tái thả tạm thời

Both Sunda Pangolins and Asian Small-clawed Otters are listed in group IB as critically endangered species and are strictly protected from exploitation and commercial use under Decree 06/2019/ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Decree 84/2021/ND-CP). Any violations can result in criminal liability or administrative penalties, depending on the number of individuals and the value (in monetary terms) of the products or the recurrence of offenses. However, illegal hunting and trading activities continue to pose significant challenges. 

Since its establishment, Save Vietnam’s Wildlife has successfully rescued 4,280 wild animals, becoming the world’s largest pangolin rescue organization with 1709 pangolins rescued. Over 70% of the rescued animals have been successfully rehabilitated and released back to the wild, contributing to the conservation efforts for wildlife and biodiversity in Vietnam. 

For more information, please contact:

(Ms.) Dong Cam Nhung

Communication Officer

E: [email protected]M: 0969 755 358

About Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW)

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) is a nonprofit organization established in 2014 with a mission to stop the extinction and champion the recovery of threatened species in Vietnam.. Since its estalishment, SVW has planned and implemented numerous long-term conservation programs and projects. Their on-the-ground conservation activities include wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, and release, habitat protection, conservation research, captive breeding, education and awareness raising, and advocacy. For more detailed information, please visit their website at https://svw.vn/.