The wall newspaper and poetry composition contest, aimed at protecting nature and endangered wildlife, attracted nearly 600 entries. This is one of the activities proposed by members of the Core team to protect the Pu Mat forest and members of Join Me to protect the Pu Mat forest as part of the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Education Program.

In order to join hands in protecting nature and wildlife, from April 1, 2024, to May 10, 2024, the core force at the school, including one member of the core team and five students from Club, proposed ideas for a conservation project at the school. The project aims to foster a love for nature and raise awareness of the important role of wildlife among teachers, students, and parents. Additionally, it seeks to increase local community participation in proposing, coordinating, and implementing conservation activities.

Hình ảnh 1 Nhóm nòng cốt và câu lạc bộ phổ biến hoạt dộng và thể lệ tham gia cho toàn trường(Core team and club members introduce activities and participation rules to the entire school)

Over the two months of implementing the conservation project at the school (including the main and Cao Veu satellite school), activities attracted many students, teachers, and parents. In particular, there were 309 wall articles from 13 classes in grades 6 and 7, 269 poetry compositions and thoughts on the school’s Facebook group, with about 20.000 interaction on posts.

Hình ảnh 2 Báo tường cuộc thi tập thể cho 13 lớp thuộc khối 6 7(Wall newspaper competition for 13 classes in grades 6 and 7)

Hình ảnh 3 Học sinh kiểm tra báo tường trước khi nộp thiHình ảnh 3 Học sinh kiểm tra báo tường trước khi nộp thiHình ảnh 3 Học sinh kiểm tra báo tường trước khi nộp thi(Students check the wall newspaper before submitting)

Hình ảnh 4 Nhóm Facebook nộp bài thi sáng tác thơ cảm nghĩ với gần 900 người tham gia(Facebook group submission of poems and thoughts, with over 800 participants)

Hình ảnh 5 Một số bài dăng nhiều lượt bình chọn(Some posts of students with high interactions)

On May 20, 2024, 63 awards were given to outstanding individuals and classes participating in the conservation projects. Hoang Khac Tam, the school principal, shared: The activity is meaningful and practical, providing an opportunity for students to show their love for local pride. The school is very hopeful and looking forward to the upcoming activities. Our students will be young communicators spreading the message of protecting nature and wildlife. One student shared: Participating in activities helps me be creative and happy. I hope to participate in many activities to contribute to protecting Pu Mat.

Hình ảnh 6 Học sinh trình bày sáng tác trong lễ trao giải(Students present their compositions at the award ceremony)

Hình ảnh 7 Buổi trao giải có dại diện Doàn thanh niên xã Phúc Sơn tham gia(The award ceremony was attended by people in Phuc Son Commune Youth Union)

Hình ảnh 8 Trao giải cho cá nhân và tập thể xuất sắc cơ sở 1(Awarding outstanding individuals and classes – main school)

Hình ảnh 9 Trao giải cho cá nhân và tập thể xuất sắc cơ sở 2(Awarding outstanding individuals and classes – Cao Veu satellite school)

The Education Program of nature and wildlife conservation includes 07 components implemented throughout the two school years 2023 – 2024 and 2024 – 2025. The program is hosted by Save Vietnam’s Wildlife and in coordination with Pu Mat National Park, Department of Education and Training of Anh Son, Con Cuong, Tuong Duong districts to implement 16 schools in the buffer zone. Activities include: Survey of school facilities; Building a core team protecting Pu Mat forest; Conservation event “Our Pu Mat, our pride”; “Join me to protect Pu Mat forest” Club; Implement projects at schools; Building an educational program; Experience nature.